Developers Pushing for Larger Subsidized Housing Quota to Address MBR Backlog

If the FLPP quota for this year remains unchanged, it's inevitable that by July 2024, low-income communities (MBR) and millennial consumers seeking subsidized housing will be unable to secure housing due to the depletion of the quota.

Yanita Petriella

6 Mei 2024 - 17.26
Developers Pushing for Larger Subsidized Housing Quota to Address MBR Backlog

Subsidized housing. Bisnis/Arief Hermawan. P

Bisnis, JAKARTA – This year, the government's allocation of subsidized housing assistance through the Home Ownership Credit Facility Housing Liquidity Assistance Program (FLPP KPR) has only been provided for 166,000 units, marking a decrease of 3.9% from the 2023 realization of 229,000 units.

This reduction in housing allocations for low-income communities (MBR) comes amid the significant challenge of a housing shortage or backlog, which has reached 12.7 million units.

General Chair of the Central Management Board (DPP) of the Indonesian Settlement and Housing Developers Association (Apersi) Junaidi Abdillah emphasized that if the FLPP quota for this year remains unchanged, it's inevitable that by July 2024, MBR and millennial consumers seeking subsidized housing will be unable to secure housing due to the depletion of the quota.

As of early May, FLPP KPR absorption had reached 60% of the total quota of 166,000 subsidized housing units.

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