Geopolitical Tensions: Indonesian Economic Resilience

Despite the potential economic impacts of the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, the government's optimism about the national economic outlook seems unwavering. This confidence is evident in their reluctance to make immediate revision on budgetary allocations and state expenditures.

Tegar Arief Fadly

19 Apr 2024 - 20.21
Geopolitical Tensions: Indonesian Economic Resilience

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati./BISNIS

Bisnis, JAKARTA - Despite the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East posing a risk to the economic stability of various nations, policymakers seem to maintain their optimism regarding the national economic outlook. This is evident in their reluctance to immediately revise budgetary allocations and state expenditures.

Despite the potential economic impacts of the geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, the government's optimism about the national economic outlook seems unwavering. This confidence is evident in their reluctance to make immediate revision on budgetary allocations and state expenditures.

This stance may serve to reassure market players who are concerned about the effects of the Iran-Israel conflict and help mitigate panic within the markets.

Prior to the escalation of the Israel-Iran conflict, fiscal authorities had already formulated the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) with a view to addressing a spectrum of risks stemming from global dynamics.

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