PGN (PGAS) Takes Serious Steps to Optimize LNG for Domestic Industry

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. (PGN) is taking the initiative to optimize LNG products to support the industry amid the ongoing decline in national natural gas production and current global geopolitical risks.

Lukman Nur Hakim

27 Apr 2024 - 18.56
PGN (PGAS) Takes Serious Steps to Optimize LNG for Domestic Industry

Illustration of a ship carrying liquefied natural gas (LNG). Indonesia, as one of the largest LNG exporters in the world, has considerable potential to meet global demand for this commodity. /Doc. Canva

Bisnis, JAKARTA — The growing discoveries of domestic gas fields, particularly liquefied natural gas (LNG), present a significant opportunity for Indonesia to enter the domestic market with this commodity.

Additionally, the decline in production of piped gas has created supply challenges for domestic industrial needs, particularly in western Indonesia, encompassing central Sumatra, southern Sumatra, and western Java.

Given the abundance of gas supplies in eastern Indonesia, including uncommitted LNG cargo from the Tangguh LNG Plant in West Papua and the Bontang Refinery in East Kalimantan, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. (PGN) is taking the initiative to optimize LNG products. This effort aims to support the industry amid the ongoing decline in national natural gas production and current global geopolitical risks.

"There is one initiative that PGN is currently pushing, namely market penetration with LNG. This needs to be a consideration for industry if there are industrial needs that are not met through piped gas," said PGN Director of Strategy & Business Development Rosa Permata Sari in a statement in Jakarta, Friday (26/4/2024).

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PGN (PGAS) Takes Serious Steps to Optimize LNG for Domestic Industry

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