PLN Committed to Energy Transition through Carbon Emission Reduction

Reflecting on PLN's 2021-2030 electricity supply business plan (RUPTL), approximately 20.9 gigawatts (GW), or 52% of the company's total electricity generation development plan of 40.6 GW, is slated to be sourced from NRE.

Ibeth Nurbaiti

27 Apr 2024 - 17.16
PLN Committed to Energy Transition through Carbon Emission Reduction

Technicians carry out routine checks on the Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) construction project at Cirata Reservoir, Purwakarta Regency, West Java. Bisnis/Rahman

Bisnis, JAKARTA — PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) is intensifying its commitment to enhance its contribution to the transition towards new renewable energy (NRE) as part of the national goal of achieving net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060, or even earlier.

Despite the challenges involved, the state-owned electricity company is accelerating the energy transition by augmenting the utilization of clean and eco-friendly energy sources in power generation and amplifying its targets for carbon trading.

Reflecting on PLN's 2021-2030 electricity supply business plan (RUPTL), approximately 20.9 gigawatts (GW), or 52% of the company's total electricity generation development plan of 40.6 GW, is slated to be sourced from NRE.

Furthermore, PLN is currently formulating a new plan extending until 2040. In this new plan, PLN aims to increase the share of renewable electricity generation to 80 GW, comprising 60 GW from renewable energy sources and 20 GW from gas.

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Editor: Jaffry Prabu Prakoso

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PLN Committed to Energy Transition through Carbon Emission Reduction

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