RI-Malaysia Maneuver Shake European Deforestation Regulation

Indonesia and Malaysia are still waiting on the European Union to review their policy following the complaint they received last month at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. In response, the EU promised a direct visit to each of the two countries.

Rayful Mudassir

9 Jun 2023 - 01.44
RI-Malaysia Maneuver Shake European Deforestation Regulation

An oil palm farmer is harvesting palm fruit in the plantation area./JIBI/Bisnis-Arif

Bisnis, JAKARTA — The EU Deforestation Regulation has been in effect for three weeks, leaving Indonesia and Malaysia anxiously awaiting updates from the European Commission following their complaint in Brussels.

Indonesia had expressed its grievances before the regulation came into force on May 16, 2023. The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) raised concerns that it would hinder Indonesia's key product exports to Europe.

Under the policy, agricultural commodity exports to the EU must originate from deforestation-free lands. The obligations outlined in the EUDR will be fully enforced by December 2024.

Indonesia's exports such as palm oil, soya, wood, cacao, beef, rubber, leather, chocolate, furniture, charcoal, and printed paper products will be affected by the EUDR.

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Editor: Yusuf Waluyo Jati

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RI-Malaysia Maneuver Shake European Deforestation Regulation

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