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The Unbalanced Map of Asset Competition in the Banking Industry

As of now, the dominance of the Indonesian banking industry's assets remains in the hands of a select few major banks, leaving smaller banks to function as peripheral players vying for a relatively constrained market share.

Arlina Satiti Mugi Laras

1 Jan 2024 - 18.16
The Unbalanced Map of Asset Competition in the Banking Industry


Bisnis, JAKARTA — The competitive landscape within the Indonesian banking industry remains skewed, with an imbalance evident as half of the assets are concentrated within the four largest banks. This discrepancy persists despite the presence of over 100 banks in Indonesia.

According to data from the Indonesian Banking Statistics released by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the total banking assets in Indonesia stood at IDR 11,345 trillion as of October 2023. Notably, a significant portion, amounting to IDR 5,665 trillion or 49.93%, is under the control of the Core Capital Bank Group (KBMI) IV.

KBMI IV comprises banks with a core capital exceeding IDR 70 trillion. Currently, only four banks in Indonesia are part of this group, namely PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI), PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. (BMRI), PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA), and PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBNI).

As of October 2023, the total number of commercial banks in Indonesia stands at 105. Consequently, half of the nation's banking assets are fiercely contested among the remaining 101 commercial banks, excluding the aforementioned four.

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Editor: Ibeth Nurbaiti
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