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World’s Most Expensive Spices Found in Indonesia

With the numerous benefits of spices, which can be used as seasonings, flavorings, preservatives, and even medicinal ingredients, some spices command a very high price.

Ibeth Nurbaiti

14 Agt 2023 - 20.08
World’s Most Expensive Spices Found in Indonesia

Illustration - Herbs and spices.

Bisnis, JAKARTA — Indonesia boasts abundant natural resources, including spices that are frequently used in daily life. Thanks to the abundance of aromatic plants in the country, some of the world's most expensive spices can easily be found in Indonesia.

It's no wonder various countries worldwide were eager to hunt for and control the spices found in Indonesia during colonial days. With the numerous benefits of spices, which can be used as seasonings, flavorings, preservatives, and even medicinal ingredients, some spices command a very high price.

As reported by Wealthy Gorilla and quoted by Dataindonesia, saffron is the most expensive spice globally, fetching a price of $2,336 or around IDR34.86 million (based on an exchange rate of IDR14,922.7/USD) per pound.

The high cost is attributed to the need for 75,000 saffron flowers to produce approximately 454 grams of the spice, on top of the manual cultivation process.

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Editor: Yusuf Waluyo Jati
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